Wound is defined simply as the disruption of the cellular and anatomic continuity of a tissue. Wound may be produced by physical, chemical, thermal, microbial or immunological insult to the tissue. The process of wound healing consists of integrated cellular and biochemical events leading to reestablishment of structural and functional integrity with regain of strength of injured tissue.
Effective Management of Wound
Effective management of wounds will become an important challenge in the coming years. In addition surgeons and physicians will be under constant pressure from patients as well as resource providers to give the most cost-effective, high quality wound-care, wherein the quality of life of the patient is minimally disturbed during the period of treatment. Managing the wound and the process of healing is so fundamental that we almost take the process of healing for granted. Most of the wounds will heal with or without treatment. In the midst we suddenly find a patient where there is either major default in the process of healing or good healing process leading to catastrophic functional outcome.
Infected wounds in legs, foot and other parts of the body are very common clinical problems that require intensive care in a wound clinic. These wounds are caused by trauma or complicated surgical operations on infected organs. Patients suffering from diabetes, arterial or venous disease of lower limbs have a high risk of developing infected wounds. Any wound / ulcer that does not heal in 6 weeks is said to be a chronic wound.
There is more than one reason why a wound does not heal, infection being just one. Lack of blood supply, venous / arterial insufficiency, radiation, foreign bodies, nutritional deficiency, diabetes, jaundice, alcoholism, local toxins, cancer, steroids and chemotherapeutic agents, hereditary healing disorder, old age etc., can be cited as other reasons. Among these the most common reason being diabetes, where the only solution at times is amputation. These wounds are treated with various antiseptics and dressing materials. Most of these are provided by multinational companies at a very high cost. Moreover the antiseptics used are harmful to the healing and are expensive too. The high cost makes these unaffordable to the common man. These antiseptics have been actually shown to be cytotoxic and damage the delicate granulation tissue and epithelial cells.
Neem for Wound Healing
It is commonly called as Neem and the plant has diverse medicinal properties. Neem oil contains margosic acid, glycerides of fatty acids, butyric acid and trace of valeric acid. Various active principles are nimbidin, nimbidal, azardirachtin, nimbin, azadirine, gedunin, salanin. They have diverse medicinal activities.
Neem capsules is especially beneficial for curing skin ailments. The capsules is used for dressing for foul ulcers, eczema and skin diseases like ringworm, scabies. It is a powerful insect repellant, anti-bacterial, anti-fungal, anti-viral, anti-inflammatory and also strengthens the body’s overall immune responses. Neem capsules contains fatty acids which build collagen, promote wound healing and maintain the skin’s elasticity. The active ingredients of neem help in the process of wound healing and the skin is able to retain its suppleness as the wounds heal. The plant has a high content of essential fatty acids. They keep the site moist and give a soft texture to the skin during the healing process. Alcoholic extract of neem is useful in eczema, ringworm and scabies. Neem leaf extracts and seeds extracts has proven anti-microbial effect. This keeps any wound or lesion free from secondary infections by microorganisms. Clinical studies have also revealed that neem inhibits inflammation as effectively as cortisone acetate, this effect further accelerates wound healing.
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